Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Working in a Winter-y Volgograd

Well ...I thought I would be the only one experiencing a cold Christmas-everyone always asks me what winter is like in Texas and I always answer: it just isn't. haha, but I guess now I can actually tell them that it has snowed twice in my town-cool! (I'm sure Steve was happy)

Well yes, I just finished my first week and a half in Volgograd and.....judges....I LOVE IT HERE!!!!Seriously, I don't know WHAT people are talking about when they say that the work is super hard here and the people are mean etc....I was really intimidated at the beginning of my mission with this city but I couldn't be happier-what a GREAT way to end! It doesn't hurt that I'm back with Cectpa Fourtina whom I love!

So this city (I can't remember if I already said this) is one loooooooong street (longest city in the world) and everything is really nice because everything except one building was destroyed in the 2 world war-nothing was left so it's all new and nice compared to other cities I've been in. They have lots of statues and cool memorials etc. I'll have to take lots of pics to show you later.

This week it def. turned colder-yesterday (around -2 to -5 cel.) we had our first serious snow fall-only a couple of inches but it was really pretty....and so amAzingly cold! You don't really think how cold it is until you have to be out in it at 8 am for two hours contacting people who are rushing off to work-my hands hurt sooo bad by the end! I'm gonna try and find warmer mittens and maybe a hat today (i have a hat but I'll be on the look out for warmer things).

We have been finding some good people lately and there have been lots of people from the last transfer that we've been meeting with so we actually haven't' been knocking that much-but far, the people are the same as rostov, even a lil nicer 8)our zone conference won't be til' Jan 2nd so I doubt that I'll get my packages before then so our Christmas will be a quiet one, but that's ok-at this point i don't really care-it doesn't really feel like Christmas on the mish-but the snow helps. We'll prolly get together with the other missionaries and the Maxfields (senior couple) and do a gift exchange, dinner etc.

Speaking of dates and holidays here's the schedule of my next few p-days (slight changes due to holidays)P-days:*DEC. 25TH (THURSDAY)this night is when y'all will call- PLEASE CALL AT 9 P.M. RUSSIAN TIME -Russia time and I don't know if President sent the same email to you with country code etc but here it is just in case:

1. Have your parents call between 8:00 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. on Christmas Day, Russia time. Be sure to email them your phone number this week. Please tell your parents that international calling cards can be purchased from the Internet for about 4-6 cents a minute.

2. Phone calls are limited to 40 minutes. If both sets of parents are calling, it is important that the first parents call right at 8:00 p.m. so both will have adequate time.

3. Organize with your companion so both of your parents' calls can be completed by 10:15 p.m.

4. Keep the calls appropriate. "Take care that these calls do not pull your thoughts away from your service..." (Handbook p.37)

5. Remember, this call is for your parents (and especially your mom). While it is not prohibited to speak with other family, it is not recommended. Girlfriends are not even on the list.

6. ANY exceptions should be cleared with us.

So yea...did I read correctly that Eric will be home til the 29th of January?! or was it a typo and it's til the 29th of DEC. Either way I hope I can see him when I get back.

Well, we taught these great two women yesterday-they're really searching for truth-have went to all sorts of diff churches and we contacted them on the street and THEY called US to meet and were so excited about everything-so cool, they just talked about how they didn't feel peace/good feelings for a long time etc and how we looked just so happy and at peace etc-they're coming to an activity the relief society is throwing on Saturday so we're really excited for them!

We also have a baptismal date-he's 60, still thinks he's a rock star (has rainbow suspenders and crazy curly hair) he's soooo funny and so ready! he knows the bible really well and loves the church, book of Mormon, etc and is always asking us if we know: slipknot (but he pronounces the "k") slip "k" not. it's so funny but don't worry, we gave him so church music and we hope he gets hooked on that 8)

Other than that the work is going well here-we have a nice building here as well-and it's one minute from where we live (helpful) and the members are great! really no drama which is strange to me...a normal...branch....8) I'm not complaining! I think I'll be in utter shock when i step into the new stake center back home-it'll be culture shock all over again. (not looking forward to that-wasn't too fun the first time either but I guess it's ok to be in shock at how nice things are)

Thank you so much for all your letters, pictures, updates, and support-it's the highlight of my p-day (but not week, sorry-that would be finding new investigators 8)It's amazing the desire and love that I have for the work now this last transfer. It's like my love for the work has escalated 100x more the second I got here to Volgograd-I'm just so excited to talk to people on the streets, to knock on the door-it just gives me a lot of joy, more so than before this point on my mission and it's kinda weirding me out but it gives me so much enjoyment. Maybe it's cause I realize that my time is running out that I wont' get this type of opportunity again-to further the work in this way (even if I serve with my husband we won't work how I'm working now) and every last moment is precious to me-I only wish I had this amazing drive every minute of my mission. I guess I just fully understand the worth and the special-ness of what I'm doing now more so than ever before and I'm grateful for this realization-it's gonna be a great transfer 8)

I love you all and it's really weird to think I'll talk to you guys in a week or so-hopefully I can think of interesting things to talk about -come with questions, and you can say hey to Fourtina (Of course me saying hey to her family is a lil more complicated -I'll have to work on my french).

Luv ya!

Cectpa Richards

P.S. Hi to Andrea! good luck at the Y-see ya soon, and mom-good luck with the chocolate store-fight off those sugar hungry babushkas!

1 comment:

Richmond Stake Day of Service said...

I can't wait to hear all about the Christmas call, even if it is mostly for the mom!